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do thorn make an all adult quad tandem ?

dave s2020-04-22 23:06:13

Does Thorn make an all adult quad tandem bike ? and also can they make a custom all adult triplet in yellow or blue ?

David Hammond2020-04-23 08:17:48

Why don't you just give them a call?  https://www.thorncycles.co.uk/bikes

2020-04-23 09:34:15

Hi all,

For information, 

Upon my last communication with SJS (31-03-2020), I was informed that the bike department was being closed for 1 month and then be reviewed, although the on line store was staying open



dave s2020-04-23 12:56:13

thanks guys was just wondering

Stuart Hibberd2020-04-23 13:40:19

Looks like they have made a couple of kiddy back quads in the past. They have one of them second hand for sale on their site.


They used to make an adult triplet not sure if they still do.


dave s2020-04-23 19:03:47

hey thanks for your reply buddy i have their all adult triplet and have hear they made quads for 1 adult and 3 kids was wondering if they make an all adult quad.