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tandem kick stand

W J MESSENGER2017-08-19 14:12:33

Please advise which kick stand will fit my Dawes Galaxy Twin. it is about 10 years old in the british racing green colour. There is a plate welded just in front of the rear chainset with two lipped edges and a central thread. I believe this plate is intended for mounting the (folding)kick stand.Thanks

David Miller2017-08-19 21:35:59

The Pletscher ESGE Double Leg Centre Kickstand is brilliant, and should fit your very sensible plate. We love ours, especially for touring, where it doubles as a work stand for on-the-road adjustments.

2020-09-29 21:01:05

Did you find a suitable stand for your Dawes tandem. I have the same plate on mine

2020-09-29 21:02:05