
Things wanted.
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Parking in Portsmouth

Lin Wroe2020-02-17 11:08:35

23July to 8 Aug

Can anyone in the Portsmouth area rent us a parking space for the above dates to enable us to take our tandem to Normandy.

Sheila Ward2020-02-17 11:33:12

Try Justpark. Used it very successfully in Plymouth.

2020-02-17 11:40:43

I use yourparkingspace.co.uk whenever I want to leave my car near a ferry terminal.

Joan Ford2020-02-17 22:41:10

We have used just park and parked at St Marks Church in Derby Road which is very close to port and reasonably priced. 

2022-01-25 18:30:56

We have also used just park and parked at St Marks Church in Derby Road which is very close to port and reasonably priced.

Beware, if a seagull leaves a deposit on your vehicle remove it ASAP, I had to respray my bonnet after leaving the "gift" too long before cleaning it off!