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Someone to cycle on our tandem from Cornwall to Edinburgh?

2021-07-28 14:55:26
Hi everyone!

I'm new to the tandem club and now preparing for the first tour with a friend. Excited to be here and soak up some tandem experience from all of you. :)

We're going to cycle from Edinburgh to Cornwall (still not sure where we end up exactly!) and have been thinking about how to transport the bike back to Edinburgh as we're planning to take a bus. And an idea came to mind that maybe someone from the tandem club would want to take this opportunity and cycle the other way and bring the tandem back to Scotland?

We're planning to set off mid-August and make it to Cornwall by the end of the month, maybe first days of September. Would someone here be eager to ride the tandem back?

Many thanks for your responses!
Marta & Marcin
Matthew Stephens 2021-07-28 15:16:02

Lol,  that is a long shot!

Personally speaking, to ride that kind of distance, I would be quite particular & want it to be on a tandem I knew, had confidence in & was correctly sized for myself & partner. 

Worth asking though

Good luck

Ted Pearson2021-07-28 15:57:54
I think Matthew is right. That is a long ride on a strange bike. Have you thought about a one way van hire. Alternatively, try posting it back with Parcel Force. In 2019 we did Lands` End to John O`Groats, and that is how we got to and from the two ends.
2021-07-29 12:18:58

Yes, that's an ambitious shout and as yet you haven't given any details of your tandem ie frame size front/rear.

I have previously used HERTZ for one-way car hire in the UK and Germany - other hire companies may do the same. With not too much dismantling you can squeeze a tandem into a mid-size hatchback - we managed to get ours into a Hyundai i30 for instance. 

I also remember from the dim and distant past, someone packing their machine onto a pallet and using one of the many pallet delivery services that are around. That's need some research though as I've no idea about the preparation needed, pickup points and so on.

If you find a way, please do let the forum know as others may be interested as getting tandems to/from LeJog is always a challenge.

Michael Hughes2021-07-30 07:50:34

I might be in a position to help in a different way  Email me

I would add for the benefit of other readers that it does seem to be too ambitious and a huge test of a friendship unless you are willing to give it a go but are prepared to give up part way and retrace your steps in good humour.


2021-07-30 08:46:14
Hey everyone, thanks so much for all the ideas and recommendations! We're now looking into one-way van hire and I'll let you all know what we're doing in the end, so other people can maybe also benefit.

Also, thank you Michael, I will email you just now