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London - Quads(4) and Quints(5) search

Tom Etheridge2023-10-16 15:53:19

Hi Tandem Club,

I hope you are well! I am looking to find a 5 or 4-seater tandem bike, to use as an action prop for a filming project.


DATE: 4th November 

FILMING: 1-day filming in London, this is a self-funded project, looking to film a spec ad where 4/5 lads pick-up a tandem bike and cycle through renowned locations in London including Big Ben and the London Eye. 

Please reach out if this is something you can help us with! I would love the opportunity to explain the project further and to see if anyone has a Quads/ Quints bike that could help with this. 

Kind Regards,

Tom Etheridge 

07905 951 651