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St Malo to Dinard ferry

Melissa Loucas2024-02-17 13:44:49


We are planning our summer tour to France with 2 Circe tandems. Please does anyone know if tandems fit on the ferry across the estuary from St Malo to Dinard?

Thank you 

Mel and Tom

Vivienne Woodroffe2024-02-17 14:17:08
Yes they do and they even have a tandem specific price listed on the price list
Neil Plant2024-02-17 14:34:24

We took the ferry from Dinard to St Malo in 2022 and the tandem went on fine, albeit diagonally across the space reserved for bikes.  See the attached.

The difficult bit was getting the loaded tandem down to the embarkation point from the ticket office in Dinard.  It was down some steps that had a channel along the side for bikes to be wheeled down.  It was probably a good solution for an unladen solo but a tandem plus luggage took a bit of manoeuvring and we did take the luggage off!  The St Malo end was fine.  It may not affect you if you're disembarking at Dinard as you won't need the ticket office.

I think there are alternative embarkation points in Dinard, so it may depend which you use.

John Pound2024-02-17 14:35:20
We used the ferry 2 years ago with no problem the pilot even helped us off and up the slope on the Dinard side 
Melissa Loucas2024-02-17 15:02:21
Thank you very much everyone! 😁