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E Mtb tandem

2020-12-15 18:50:24

Would anyone be interested in a full suspension Mtb ebike tandem ? We have spoken to a frame manufacturer but we would need to order 5 frames to make it viable for production. No idea of price yet but if anyone is interested please let me know and I'll make some more enquiries.

2020-12-15 19:02:04

Sounds like an interesting project - I'd certainly be interested in being kept in the loop.

2020-12-15 21:01:31

The Moustache eTandem comes in mtb rig or equipped for road use.  Front suspension etc.  
avaikable from several uk suppliers eg https://www.e-bikeshop.co.uk/Moustache-Samedi-Tandem-Bosch-eBike-2021?gclid=CjwKCAiAt9z-BRBCEiwA_bWv-EKTYnnuwAPCk_p7ikswl4YFmUD-xK1oLZBPY9Cs-14HOoi3O9gJQhoC6pQQAvD_BwE

Bob Cordran2020-12-15 22:03:11

I have the road version of the Moustache Samedi - as far as I know it is identical to the mtb version save that it has mudguards and a rack for panniers.  It is an absolute beast - I've had it for six months and couldn't be happier with it.  I've taken it off road a fair bit but nothing too adventurous so can't vouch for how it is on particularly gnarly downhill tracks!  With the two batteries, motor, chunky frame, solid mudgaurds, chunky tyres etc. it is not exactly lightweight, which is great on the road as it is really stable.  Not sure how i would feel pointing all that mass down a mountain, but at least the brakes (4 piston Magura discs) are powerful.

2020-12-15 22:24:59

Thanks for your help, but we want full suspension