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Rides, cafes and so much more on the Tandem Club Site

Neil Wheadon2021-01-16 16:58:58

We are creating a fabulous resource on the website

For members only this will be a library of good GPX rides and an area that RO's can share rides

I have added all the National events for the past 10 years and added over 1000 markers showing places of interest, cafes etc

It really could be one of the best route libraries on the internet, but it needs your help. I need the blank areas filled in with cafes, places of interest, gardens to visit etc

I'm very willing to help and so if you can add anything that would be fabulous

See https://tandem-club.org.uk/rides


Marney Frere2021-01-17 15:54:18

What a great idea!  We are new(ish) members and have not been on many rides outside our area.   Marney Frere

Neil Wheadon2021-01-19 23:32:04

I've organised events for over 25 years, starting with the Tandem Club, lateraly with CTC Holidays for 17 years and now with 9 other ex CTC Holiday leaders with Bikexplore

During that time I have written maybe 50 route sheets with GPX instructions a year from the UK to Japan

In that time I have used Bikely, RidewithGPS , Bikeroutetoaster and others.

All have their limitations, the primary 3 are 1) They close down 2) They are full of rides that aren't that useful, so finding the good ones is tough 3) None (aside maybe RidewithGPS) give any idea of places to visit and cafes that are on or close to the route

In 2020 the club started to develope a mapping and rides system. Dedicated to members it's gradually filling in as I have added all the National Events from the past 10 years (GPX and route sheets) and over 1200 markers for points of interest, cafes and the like.

Given time, this has the potential to be one of the most useful tools out there to plan and find routes around the UK.

However I need your help as aside endless Google searching and trying to do 10 when I have a chance there are vast swaithes of the UK yet to fill. I've done the South West and it looks great but what if I want to go to Lincolnshire?

So I need everyones help. Go to https://tandem-club.org.uk/rides. Pick a route, open the map and click on a point and add that cafe, castle or vintage railway. All I ask is that you get the location as exact as you can.

If every member did 20, it would almost be job done

Go on, it's winter, it's lockdown, what is there better to do?

