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Help in London and Kent

Alex Reeves2021-02-14 08:58:28

Charlotte’s Tandems needs your help.  We’ve got loads of people with additional needs or disabilities in London and Kent wanting to ride our seven tandems there, but need people to be our Helpers there to lend them out.

The role involves: contacting the people I put in touch with you, arranging for them to collect the tandem from you, doing a maintenance check with them, teaching them how to ride the tandem, helping them load it onto/into their car, keeping in touch with them during their hire (over several months), arranging return of the tandem, and repeating.

Seeing someone ride for the first time or for a very long time is very rewarding.

For full details of our charity, see CharlottesTandems.co.uk 

Can you help?

2021-02-14 10:34:00

I can try and help. I'm based on the E Sussex /Kent border. You can contact me directly on richardpettifor22@gmail.com

John Saunders2021-02-14 11:53:38

Hi I have been a Helper with Charlotte's Tandems in Berkshire for a couple of years and would like to add that it is extremely rewarding , there is nothing quite like the expression you see on the face of the Stoker when the Tandem is in motion for the first time,this does not always match the expression on the Pilot's face !!

Good for you Richard, I am sure you will find, as Charlotte's Tandems say very rewarding