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Chainring recommendations

Geoff Johnstone2021-08-29 13:28:38


Our current chainrings (Gebhardt, 28/38/48, 4-arm, 110 / 64 BCD, 2024 alloy) are wearing out, and haven't lasted long. We're having difficulty finding replacements: most are either too small or need a fifth bolt.

Can anyone possibly recommend decent chainring manufacturers / resellers / materials?

Many thanks,

Geoff + Rebecca


John Fazakerley2021-08-29 18:18:08
I tend to use TA chainrings, they are excellent quality and available in a variety of of bolt arrangements. Think Spa cycles keep a good range but haven't checked your requirements against their stock. 
2021-08-29 19:06:24

As John F says, Spa Cycles have a few 110/64 BCD 4-arm TA chain rings - follow this link - TA Chainrings

And of course, there's St John's Street Cycles too - link

2021-08-30 08:08:21

We can only endorse what has been previously said, TA Zicral Road rings from Spa Cycles (not the cheaper Dural ones).  We marry this up with "Ta Ya" single speed 3/32 chain, also from Spa.  Should you not be able to see exactly what you want on Spa's website try emailing John at Spa who will be able to help you locate exactly what you want.

Hope this helps

Pippa and John