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Old Tandemists new to the club

2021-12-22 16:39:12

Hello All,


Found this place via Facebook then it popped up as one of my suggested groups, so decided to join up.

Following a tour of Europe in 1988, my wife and I decided that we should get a tandem, and the only OTP one that we knew about at the time was the Dawes Super Galaxy Twin, and one was purchased, and good fun was had by all, until the kids came along. when we took a break from cycling. Few years back I got back into road cycling, and the tandem was still in storage, so Helen and I dusted off and did a few rides on it ... it needed modification, it wasn't comfortable, it was under geared, and, most importantly, it didn't want to stop!!! I converted it to straight pars and fitted a pair of Magura HS33 hydraulic rim brakes to it ... It stopped now!! but comfort was still not right, and swapping the stoker stem introduced another problem, I couldn't get my seat low enough, and was now putting strain on my old knees. I pondered, considered, pondered some more ... prevaricated ... pondered again ... and was browsing SJSC site for bits when I stumbled across the bike section, and they were selling out the last of the MK II raven twin built to a standard spec for silly money. Unfortunately they didn't have one in our size ... built up, and it would be 3 months before they could do it ... but Robin offered me the frame and a "Box of Bits" for another little discount. This was great as it offerd me the opportunity to customise it a little bit ... Like disc version of the Rohloff, Hope Rear calipers with Hope Ventilated 203mm rotor, Schwalbe Marathon Supreme evo tyres, Son Dyno front hub.

Duly built up and now being ridden, would love to meet up with fellow tamdemists for rides.

Peter Weeks2021-12-28 09:41:51

Welcome to the Club Tony.  To ride with other tandemists the Club has a network of Regional Groups and if you make contact with your local Group and/or one nearby you can join in of course.

The Club also arranges 3 rallies a year, 2 in the UK and one abroad.  The next one is near Oxford over Easter.  See TC Journal and this website for how to book.

Hope to meet before long.

Peter Weeks, Chair