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Single wheel trailer for camping gear

Greg Hughes2021-12-31 20:06:02

Hi, we're new on here!  We ride an Orbit Routier and are looking to buy a trailer to carry camping stuff so we can tour the Scottish Islands - does anyone have any recommendations?   or 'Don't buy' advice?  We're looking for a single wheel trailer, we think attaching to the axle rather than the seatpost.

Thanks!  Anna & Greg

Lawrence McPhillips2022-01-01 09:14:06
As you have an Orbit Routier, probably one of your best sources for advice on a suitable trailer would be from Jamie / Ruth at JD Tandems.  I don't know if they keep trailers in stock, but they are normally very helpful in response to queries.
Robert Jamison2022-01-01 10:53:02

Dear Anna and Greg,

After some research and experimenting 3 years ago we went for the Burley Nomad, with the 'roof rack' added.


It's a 2 wheeler. Great stability at speed (max 65kph for us), excellent hitch assembly (avoid the £50 steel variety with a spring), light at 6kg; max load we've had 30kg - no problems ; folds up / disassembles very quickly; easy to wheel in and out of hotels or onto trains as a 'suitcase trailer' if you give up on camping


not waterproof (it doesn't claim to be, so we wrap everything that needs to stay dry - mainly clothing holdalls - in decent bin liners); low clearance of the ground might be a problem if alot of off road, but this is what gives it great stability; price £300+, but you get quality build and components, and with it having done 4,000+km, plus being used for getting to the beach with all that paraphernalia, nothing has broken.

All the best


Mike Dunning2022-01-01 11:09:35
I've used Yak (BoB) and Extra Wheel bike trailers. Both are good. The Yak tracks nicely behind your bike, but has a lower weight carrying capacity. Also needs a smaller replacement tyre/innertube compared to the Extra Wheel (something else to carry on a long tour). Yak has a tried and tested hitch system. Replacement (spare) axles can be a tad expensive. The Extra Wheel works well. Neater and shorter than the Yak with a larger wheel. I've a spare Vitelli cargo trailer in almost new condition that I'm looking to sell. Beautifully made. It's it's day the Vitelli was the best trailer money could buy, easily capable of round the world tours. The only problem is it has two wheels?