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ECOSMO Disc Brake make?

2022-02-16 15:04:35

To mainly ECOSMO Tandem owners . . . I've  converted a Ecosmo tandem to a trike with a custom rear axle with Diff and twin Disc Brakes. I need a second rear brake mech preferably the same as already fitted to the Ecosmo (Incidentally, both front and rear Disc mechs on the Ecosmo are the same!).

Does anyone the make/model of the Disc Mechs use on the Ecosmo. It's just marked "Speed". I guess that it's quite likely they are sourced/manufactured locally by the makers of the bike in China! 

I have emailed ECOSMO here in the UK but no reply. If all else fails, I'll take the one off the front so that they are a matched pair and fit a new Shimano/Avid in It's place!


2022-02-16 17:28:08
Solved . . . . They appear to be made by Zoom - HL Corp (Shenzhen) in China. They have the same Disc mech under Zoom and Speed brands, probably others too. As they also own a bike factory, it may well be they make ECOSMO Bikes?
Robert Jamison2022-02-16 19:14:31

Hi Steve,

I'd be interested in a picture or two of the end result of your conversion if you have a chance.


2022-02-16 20:39:42

Hi Rob, many thanks for your message. I took a few pictures but even with "flash" and taken in a gloomy garage the have very poor contrat and lacking detail. Getting close to being able to wheel it outside and hopefully, be able to get some decent pictures. I'll  post some shortly.

Oh, it's also electrified! 


Robert Jamison2022-02-17 16:21:32
Hi Steve, I look forward to that. Rob
Robert Jamison2022-03-15 19:32:33
fascinating; I have many questions about your project, but this will probably bore other discussion board users. Will await the final portfolio of pictures; good luck with the final steps.