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Travelling through Europe - Covid rules

Robert Garthwaite2022-04-17 22:23:38

Hoping to travel through a few European countries this summer. Does anyone have the experience regards to going from country to country and covid regulations?

Once in your first country after complying to their requirements are you then free to travel to all other Schengen countries. Or a as national of a non-EU country are rules still applicable.

You could assume that there is no border control, but driving UK car, could always be pulled over to be checked. Prefer to try and do the right thing.

Carabinieri were even up in the mountains on our last walking holiday in Italy.

Kevin Smith2022-04-18 06:52:55

Hi Robert, we are travelling to Austria, then to various Eastern Countries in May. I have been monitoring entry requirements. All that is now required are one of the three.

Proof of recovery

UK COVID passport


Also some have locator forms to complete too, but these are electronic and can be saved on your phone. Also the above have date requirements.

Google each country entry requirements and you'll find all you need including entry from UK or from neighbouring country.

Karen Petty2022-04-18 15:01:10

As far as borders are concerned, it's borderless between EU countries, the Schengen Zone is slightly different.  You need to meet the entry requirements for the 1st country on your itinerary.  If you leave the EU and come back via a different country, you'll also need to meet the entry requirements of that country.  Each country may require different documents but some form of covid passport is common to allow entry to bars and restaurants and other entertainment venues.

You only need to consider the Schengen Zone if you're looking to do more than 90 days as you're limited to 90 in any 180 at present.

Hope that helps.

Dave P.

Charles Kendall2022-04-21 21:29:27
The EU has produced a smartphone app to inform people travelling between EU countries what the exit and entry requirements are. The app is called "Re-open EU" and is available for iOS and Android.  It fully supports English.