
Things wanted.
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Wanted L/S Thorn ideally with Rohloff hub

James Acworth2020-07-27 23:06:04

Hello to all. I've been riding with my 14yr old daughter with Down Syndrome on a Thorn Voyager Childback for the past 4 years, and want to move up to a bigger bike. We do a mix of road and offroad and have quite a high combined weight (close to 150kg). So strong frame and good brakes for the downhills are important - perhaps the double marathon frame? We don't have a huge budget, so looking for something reasonably priced.

2020-07-27 23:54:45

I have a hand built touring tandem with suspension and Hope hydraulic brakes, I ride this with my 14yr old granddaughter. Don't know if this is the kind of thing you were after, regards Graham 

James Acworth2020-07-28 19:36:43

Thanks Graham. It might work though I'd not thought of having a bike with suspension. We've put a Thudbuster seat on the back of our childback which reduces the bumps a lot. How much does full suspension sap the energy? Did you make the frame yourself?> If not, what make is it please? And where are you ?  Cheers, James

2020-07-30 18:54:28
2020-07-30 20:06:56

We have just decided to sell our Thorn tandem as we need electric assistance. Large front, small rear. I am 6'4" stoker is 5'.  Rohloff hub. S&S coupling. Disc brake at rear. Have not really decided on price yet but cost was £4500 less than 3 years ago.  Are you still looking for one?

2020-07-31 08:52:25

Suggest we continue via email. Mine is


James Acworth2020-07-30 22:59:20

Hello Bruce - Yes, still looking and yours is almost exactly what we're looking for. However, we don't have a huge budget.  Where are you? Perhaps if not too far away, we could at least come and have a try. Thanks. James.


James Acworth2020-08-01 23:15:48

Thanks to the Tandem Club for quickly providing an answer to our request - we're now the proud new owners of an Orange Thorn Raven. Thanks also to Cliff and wife for passing it down to us.