
Things wanted.
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Circe Helios

2020-08-16 19:10:22

Circe Helios wanted, anything considered

2020-08-19 08:35:00

...we looked at the drop bar sporty version currently advertised in the for sale section, but decided we would rather a flat bar version, preferably with Alfine hub gears (although not essential). The reason we are looking is because my wife is disabled and although we presently have a lovely tandem, she does find it difficult getting on and off, so the low stand over of the Helios looks ideal. Thank you.

2020-08-20 00:04:17

Would consider a px for a lovely Cannondale MT800 ?

Melissa Loucas2020-08-23 12:02:23

Hi Tim, we spent ages looking for a 2nd hand Circe, bidding on eBay and all sorts. In the end we got a really good deal on a brand new one from Avon Valley cycles in Bath (11 speed alfine hub for samep price  asthe one posted ). Don't know where you are in the country but hope that helps!

2020-08-25 16:34:24

Thanks Melissa, we're coming to the same conclusion. However having stripped and serviced our old Cannondale ready for selling, we're actually having a lot of fun on it and have decided to keep it instead - for now anyway. We've had such good times on it that it's going to be very difficult to part with! 

2020-09-04 20:56:32

Well we finally managed to buy one, used at a reasonable price, so we're now looking forward to some new adventures!