
Things wanted.
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Full suspension tandem?

Christopher Boocock2021-02-19 09:52:22

Hi Tandem Club :-)

My wife Emma and I ride road and off road tandems. We love our hardtail Lapierre x2 which is great on our local Sussex South Downs routes. However we are mulling over a future Alpine trip, so we are looking out for a good used full suspension bike.

Do any members have any no longer needed steeds that would suit a 5'10" and 5'6" team? We are looking out for a Ventana ECdM or an Ellsworth Witness but would consider any good quality, well maintained bike.

Many thanks


2021-12-01 17:07:40


I have a friend who is selling their edcm if you are after one still, please let me know and I'm happy to pass on the detail.



2021-12-01 21:22:55

Hi Scott we would be interested in the ventana if it is still available 


Mark and Grace

Christopher Boocock2021-12-01 23:16:26

Hi Scott

Thanks for contacting us. We are still looking. Please pass my email on if the bike isn't sold. 

Christopher Boocock2021-12-02 08:38:29
Hi Scott - I just looked and I can't find a PM facility on the forum. Maybe I've missed it but just in case, my email is chris_boocockATmsn.com. Thanks, Chris
2021-12-02 08:52:45
Was just doing the same as you and finding the same about the lack of PM, I'll pass you details on to John but if you want to contact him directly his email address is englishjohn95ATgmailDOTcom.  I see you are in Sussex, we are right on the sussex/hampshire border just north of the downs if you ever fancy an offroad ride with other tandems, we have an EDCM as well as an El Jefe. 
Philip Ingram2022-01-23 20:30:22

Hi Chris, we have an ECdM we would consider selling. It is large / small with S&S and Chris King hubs.

Philip Ingram

Christopher Boocock2022-01-23 21:38:32

Hi Philip - thanks for getting in touch. Email reply just sent. :-) Chris

Christopher Boocock2024-02-20 20:51:55
Update Feb 2024: We are no longer looking for a full suspension tandem - I tried to delete the wanted ad but the system won't let me (or I'm pressing the wrong button!)