
Things wanted.
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Cirque Helios

John Weeks2022-09-27 06:49:18

I'm after a Cirque Helios....I'm aware others are too!

Ideally Alfine hub, splitter, and e-assist. If moon on a stick then a triplet as well! But I'll take what's out there 


Mike Inness2022-09-27 08:52:45

Morning John,  We live in Tiorbay and have a flat bar KHS Sausage Dog T-20 folding tandem with rear hub motor if you can't find a circe Helios.  It's a triple chainset, 20" wheels, folding pedals, front & rear racks.  Originally purchased from JD Tandems by a couple who we bought the bike from.  A lot of bike and a fine gun metal colour.  A sensible offer can be agreed.

If you are interested, give me a call on 07971421093.

Mike (Inness)

Sheila Ward2022-11-28 16:55:30


I guess you may have been sorted, but if not there is a Circe e-tandem on the For Sale page now.