
Things wanted.
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Front wheel 40 /46h wanted

David Pearce2023-01-01 11:27:04

Happy New year all,

Does anyone have a 700c 40 / 46h front wheel they wish to sell? - i have asked before back in 2021 and had some replies. We have been using a cheap 36h wheel with a dynamo hub (which replaced our Hope hub failure - covered elsewhere) but this is showing signs of stress on both the hub and rim. For a 1998 Longstaff.


Dave Pearce

Mike Dunning2023-01-01 13:00:25

Hi Dave

I have a 700c front wheel. Campag large flange hub. I'll need to check whether it's a 40 or 48. It's from the same era as your Longstaff.


David Pearce2023-01-01 16:45:49

Thanks Mike - sounds ideal, just gone through my post in '21 and you offered then - assuming it has a lot of wear left on the rim, how much would you like for it & where are you?



