
Things wanted.
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Outside storage box for tandem

Deon Bothma2023-05-05 14:41:44


I am looking for an outside storage box for a Pino Hase. I have been covering it during the off-season, but can't keep the weather out. I cannot seem to find anything on the internet. Any suggestions?


Peter Mynors2023-05-05 18:38:24

Hi Deon

We had the same issue with our Periscop (Pino prototype) and triplet.

I built a lean-to shed using fenceposts, fencing boards and plastic roof, with paving slabs for the floor.  All the ingredients can be bought at Wickes, including Metposts to hold the fenceposts upright.  It took a weekend to build using self-tapping woodscrews.

In the picture you can see that the far end of the shed is lower than the front part, because the Periscop needs more headroom than the triplet .  There are guiderails on the floor to make it easy to push the triplet to the far end of the shed (it’s not in the shed at the moment).


Peter Mynors2023-05-05 18:41:04
Peter Mynors2023-05-05 18:44:42
The picture doesn't seem to have uploaded.  If you want me to email it to you, let me know on peter@mynors.me.uk
2023-05-05 19:02:11
An option for storage could be:
Deon Bothma2023-05-05 19:49:17
Thanks Peter. I sent an email. 
Deon Bothma2023-05-05 19:51:04

Thanks Trevor, I had a look. They look a bit short for the Pino. 
Kind Regards
