
Things wanted.
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Koga Foldable tandem

CAROL BRANNIGAN-PAVITT2023-05-10 18:40:57

We're very experienced tandem riders. We're getting more senior too at 66 and 72 ! For travelling, I can no longer lift the tandem onto the car roof so we're looking for a robust folding tandem for sportif type cycle runs to put in the back of the car. We've decided that separable tandems aren't going to be practical for us, so it's definitely a foldable tandem we need.

Has anyone experience of a Koga Twin Traveller which looks robust enough for us or know of any Dutch tandem websites where we could source one for sale ? Or ideas regarding other foldable tandems able to withstand training and sportives up to 100 miles. Thankyou.

Pete Norman2023-05-10 20:52:20

Have a look at Helton Tandem Roof Carrier, it really works well for us

pete norman

CAROL BRANNIGAN-PAVITT2023-05-11 12:00:31
Thanks Pete.