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Tandem restoration.

2021-06-29 09:47:43

Hi,I'm part of a small group offering visually impaired folk the chance to ride,cycle or swim,we have one superb Dawes tandem purchased with donations and have been offered a steel framed "project" which looks to be a few years old and in need of work to make it usable and safe.

Does anyone know of tandem experienced shops or individuals who might undertake the work?

Not expecting freebies we have been collecting for a second tandem.

We are in Lincolnshire.




Michael Hughes2021-06-29 11:04:13

I have a rebuilt tandem with 3 speed hub gear which might be suitable for use in your area. I rebuilt this for my own use but I would be happy to donate it to your group.

In addition I have a very good and little used tandem trike which I would be happy to sell for a moderate price to your group.

I live in Norfolk.   

Michael   01603 864662

2021-06-29 16:35:35

That is very very kind Michael. I'll call later this evening for a chat if ok? Maybe after the football although I won't be particularly watching it!

We are all very excited about your some point I will have to put a sensible hat on!! I mean,a TRIKE I've admired those since school days....such a rarity,and of course some of our users are a bit wobbly...would just make it clear we are are small local group no affiliations to bigger charities.

